Legislative Changes Propel Growth in Australia’s Build-to-Rent Sector

In a recent article by Carolyn Cummins for the Sydney Morning Herald, the spotlight is on the b ooming build-to-rent sector in Australia . Pressure is being exerted all levels of government for legislative reforms to strengthen the foundation of the build to rent market . Leading developers like Mirvac, Lendlease, Greystar, and Novus are at the forefront, capitali s ing on this sector to help alleviate the national housing shortage. T his sector has an estimated value of $16.87 billion, despite representin g just 0.2% of the total residential housing sector, according to EY. B uild-to-rent is poised for explosive growth , with planned expansion including projects like Melbou rne’s G urrow a Place at Queen Victoria Market, which integrates build-to-rent units with commercial spaces. Key to th e sustainability of this growth will be legislative reform. Recent draft legislation proposes a significant incentive: reducing the managed investment trust (MIT) with...